Edukad projektid

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Found 5 projects. coordinating country [ ES ]  search term [ CHARITE - UNIVERSITAETSMEDIZIN BERLIN ]

Coordinating countries
Partner countries (number of times in projects)
project no acronym and title duration
H2020 - 824110 EASI-Genomics - European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics 2019-2023
H2020 - 853966 EU-PEARL - EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform -
H2020 - 965345 HealthyCloud - HealthyCloud – Health Research & Innovation Cloud 2021-2023
H2020 - 823879 OXIGENATED - Hemoglobin based Protein Nanocarriers for Tumour Oxygenation and a more effective Photodynamic Therapy 2019-2023
FP7 - 305821 PROJECT INTEGRATE - Benchmarking Integrated Care for better Management of Chronic and Age-related Conditions in Europe 2012-2016